Upcoming Church News

Cemetery News

We are planning a cemetery event close to All Souls Day honoring our beloved dead in our cemetery. Plans to say the Rosary for the repose of their soul and to incense the graves will be the Order of the day. More information will follow with the date and time. Please plan to join us for this event, honoring our beloved dead.

All Saints / All Souls

All Saints and All Souls Days fall on November 1st and November 2nd each year. This year All Saints falls on a Friday. It is a Holy Day of Obligation, meaning that every Catholic is required to attend Mass. Our All-Saints Day Masses are at 9am and 12:10 pm with no evening Mass. Since All Souls Day falls on a Saturday and is not a holy day of obligation, we will be celebrating All Souls at the 10:30 am Mass on Sunday.


It’s that time of year again when the days and nights grow shorter, and the leaves turn beautiful colors and fall off of the trees. We seem to feel as though we don’t want summer to go. Of course, we don’t. However, the seasons evolve just as sure as life evolves. That being said, I offer the pleasant reminder that we change the clocks BACK one hour on November 2, 2024. You are aware of the old adage:” Fall back; Spring ahead.”


Our entire parish family extends its heartfelt congratulations to our Confirmation Class of 2024. They will be receiving Confirmation on Sunday, October 6, 2024 at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford. Archbishop Christopher Coyne will be the Administrator of the Sacrament of Confirmation this year. We extend our thanks to their teachers, parents, sponsors and friends on this happy occasion. May the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the fruits of the Holy Spirit be theirs throughout their life. The names of the Confirmandi and their Confirmation names are written on the front of the Bulletin..

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