The Birth of The Blessed Virgin Mary

Each September 8th the Church celebrates the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. However, this year Her Feast is not celebrated
as it falls on a Sunday in which we celebrate “The Lord’s Day”. Always the Lord’s Day takes precedence over
Mary and the saints. Nevertheless, since it is Our Blessed Lady, and many Catholics have a devotion to her, today we
have a few words about her and the Feast Day we would have celebrated.

The Birth of The Blessed Virgin Mary is connected with the construction of the Basilica built in the 5th c (400’s) at the site
of the pool at Bethesda (Jn. 5:1-9). The Basilica was built on the supposed site of the home of Sts. Joachim and Ann,
the parents of Mary.

This day, in honor of Mary’s birth was introduced by Pope Sergius 1 (+701) to the entire Church. Apparently, though, the
Christians is the 5th c. wanted to celebrate Her birth just as they wanted to celebrate the Birth of John, The Baptist. As
the centuries unfold, there are many changes that occur to bring us to the small celebration of Mary’s birth we encounter today.

This day opens the liturgical year in the Eastern Church. Under Pope Innocent IV (1243) it was celebrated with an Octave.
An octave is eight days of celebration. Later in 1378, Pope Gregory XI added a Vigil Mass for this celebration.
The focal point of this day is really Jesus. As usual, Mary stands in the background. Witness the prayers of the Mass:
“The Birth of The Virgin Mary’s Son was the dawn of our salvation”.

“With heart and mind, let us sing the glory of Christ on this holy Feast Day of the Blessed Virgin Mary” and
“Come let us celebrate the Birth of The Virgin Mary; let us worship Her Son, Christ, The Lord.”
The second document of Vatican Council II (1962-1965) says that “Mary is inseparably linked with Her Son’s saving
work.” It is so fair to note here that the Divine election of Mary as Mother of God is explicitly related to Mary’s humility.
St. Francis de Sales was once asked: What are the three main ingredients to Christianity. He wrote : humility, humility,

The sense of humility and lowliness are an indispensable condition of the Christian life and the source of us receiving
Christ’s divine gift.

To that end we say: Blessed Mother, Pray for us!

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