During Lent the Church prescribes no use of the
organ for six weeks to enter us into this penitential
season. We will have use of organ music during
Lent, though. However, there are other items we
can eliminate for the next six weeks that remind us
we are in a very solemn season of penance and
During Lent the Psalm will be recited instead of
The “Gloria” will be omitted all together.
The “Alleluia” is never sung during Lent. An
appropriate Gospel Acclamation is sung. There will
be no singing of the parts of the Mass. They will be
The wooden clacker will take the place of the bells
during Consecration.
There is an ancient custom to use “unbleached”
candles during Lent: The candles you will see are
unbleached, with bleached candles returning for
Please enjoy entering into a deep spiritual
relationship with God and may His Grace and
Mercy cleanse your soul.