Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Dear Parishioners,

We thank Almighty God that we have been brought to another year to celebrate His Resurrection. When we see the phrase written or hear the phrase: “Christ is Risen,” the guilt, loneliness, hunger, poverty, war, and devastation no longer have the ultimate word. Death is not the final end anymore, for Christianity thrives upon the Resurrection of Christ. The greatest Christian celebration is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ! As Christians we must affirm this to the world, or at least to our small world of family and friends. Depression, resentment, revenge and hatred all surrender to the power of death and leave us blurred and sometimes blinded to the power of Jesus Christ’s Resurrection from death. Through His death on the Cross Our Blessed Lord has overcome death and the devil!

The Resurrection of Christ is triumphant over any worldly power. Yes, “Christ is Risen”. May we celebrate with insurmountable joy!

Please find, in this letter, a Holy Week and Easter schedule of Confessions and Masses, as well as a Divine Mercy celebration of healing, physically and spiritually.

Fr. Ron

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